Return to Work

Section: IV. ADSV-365
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Last Review: 07/01/11
Last Revision: 07/01/11
Prior Revisions: 12/05/97, 08/30/04
Initial Adoption: Unknown


符合条件的雇员暂时残疾,不能履行他们的常规 job duties because of a workplace accident, illness, or  injury will be given the 在恢复期有机会回到较轻松的或改良的工作 根据有执照的卫生保健提供者的评估,在一定程度上是轻的 duty position is available.   Because recovery time may vary from case to case, the 学院将评估每位员工的情况,以便留出足够的时间 为恢复和康复的基础上提供了一个许可的证明 health care provider.  The College reserves it’s right to appoint a licensed health care provider to assist at any time during the Return-to-Work process.

在下列情况下,学院可以终止对个别员工的修改后的工作计划 从一个有执照的医疗保健提供者的评估中可以明显看出 return fully to the regular assigned position is unlikely. 

如果需要永久性的修改变得明显,学院是合理的 Accommodation procedure will be followed.


A. Employee Responsibilities – Employees are responsible to:

  1. Follow job safety guidelines and practices.
  2. Timely report any work related accident, illness or injury.
  3. 申请轻型任务,并从有执照的医疗机构提交文件 provider that describes the nature of the temporary disability  .  The provider’s 陈述必须包括:诊断、预后、预计残疾持续时间、 and description of any restriction(s) or limitations.
  4. Provide updated medical information during the period of disability upon request. 学院可在任何工作期间要求提供医疗信息 disability.
  5. 参与和配合学院的努力,以满足要求 RTW计划,包括提交由有执照的健康检查和评估 care provider.

B. Supervisor Responsibilities – Supervisors are responsible to:

  1. Promote safe work practices within the area of his or her responsibility.
  2. Explain the campus RTW program with all eligible employees.
  3. 确保正确填写并提交疾病、受伤或事故报告 in a timely manner following a work related illness, accident, or injury
  4. 根据学院的规定,与员工一起审查修改和/或减轻职责的过程 RTW program.
  5. 通知学院的RTW项目协调员任何与工作有关的疾病。 injury or accident that may result in time away from the job.
  6. 与RTW协调员合作,确定任何工作修改或轻工 员工在定期分配的工作单位中可能执行的任务 对员工的工作进行持续评估,每周与员工进行沟通 and the RTW Coordinator regarding the employee’s condition and capabilities.

C. RTW项目协调员职责- RTW项目协调员负责 to:

  1. 协调临时残疾员工的RTW计划的资格 on information obtained from a licensed health care provider.  This may include a 工作分析,以及对员工能力和局限性的评估, 同时确定任何可转移的技能,可能适用于临时调动.  此外,如果修改后的任务安排不适合正常分配的工作 区域,RTW项目协调员将探索在其他工作单位的替代安置 at the College in collaboration with the supervisor(s).
  2. 确定符合条件的员工的工作地点和可用性 根据从有执照的医疗保健提供者获得的信息确定的就业类型 and the College’s availability of assignments.
  3. Facilitate identification of potential return-to-work opportunities; and submit necessary forms to appropriate personnel including the Department of Labor and Industries.
  4. 寻找合适的临时修改工作分配,优先考虑分配 in the following order:
  1. 如有可能,定期修改符合条件的员工目前的职位;
  2. 按规定临时调任到同一单位的其他岗位 (permanent, or part-time/temporary position);
  3. 临时调任到另一工作单位以外的其他岗位工作 assigned work unit;
  4. 临时调任到另一个国家机关或更高的机构 education if the College is unable to provide a position.

5.     与主管保持联系,主管负责修改后的工作分配 for the temporarily disabled employee for the status of the employee’s progress.

适当修改的工作任务的最终决定取决于学院的RTW Program Coordinator

RTW项目协调员将协调适用员工援助的参与 programs, as appropriate.

Training and Education

人力资源部将提供该项目的说明和指导 all supervisors to the RTW program.  Each eligible employee will be provided information about this program upon orientation by their supervisor.  The College and Administrative Manual will include this policy. Detailed information regarding this program will 提供给任何被确定可能符合资格的员工 the RTW program.  The description of the College RTW program will be given to any other employee or regulating agency official upon request.


重返工作岗位(RTW)计划的目的是在可能的情况下提供一份任务 对于暂时无法返回正常工作岗位的合格员工 直到雇员被有执照的健康人员解除全职工作为止 care provider.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

这一政策适用于终身教职员工和见习学术人员,分类服务 雇员,以及接受华盛顿州工人津贴的常规豁免雇员 compensation for an on-the-job accident, injury or illness.


RCW 41.06.490 - State Employee Return-to-Work Program

RCW 51.32.090  Temporary total disability – Partial restoration of earning power – 返回工作岗位-当雇主继续支付工资时-限制适用 collective bargaining agreements


Eligible Employee -   Tenured and probationary academic employees, classified service employees, and 领取华盛顿州工人补偿的定期豁免雇员 for an on-the-job accident, injury or illness. An eligible employee can be a RTW participant 如果他/她因职业事故、疾病而被诊断为暂时残疾 或因受伤而暂时不能正常工作 被分配的工作职责,但该员工能够完成较轻或较轻的工作 根据有执照的卫生保健提供者的书面评估修改性质.

Modified Work or Light Duty -  这是一个让合格的员工在做出调整后重返工作岗位的过程 in the type or scheduling of job tasks within the work environment.  Work assignments may be made to the regular work unit or to another work unit of the College.  Work 任务被修改或组织,使之符合员工的能力和能力 雇员,适应任何限制或限制,证明有执照 health care provider. Modified work or light duty is transitional in nature and for limited periods of time. 

Duration of RTW Modifications -  符合条件的员工可以参加RTW计划,只要是临时的 total disability continues.

Return-To-Work Coordinator -  Human Resources personnel are responsible for coordination of the College’s RTW program.

See College Policy -  Definitions

