
第四部分:. 公元214年
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11



A covered employee who has a complaint 或关注 1) regarding the application of any of the 大学’s policies, the terms and conditions of employment, or other actions affecting the employee-employer relationship; 2) affecting the covered employee in his/her status as an employee of the 大学; and 3) not otherwise prohibited by policy, may file a grievance utilizing this procedure in an attempt to resolve the complaint 或关注.  如果政策禁止,则担忧或投诉是不可申诉的.


Complaints 或关注s regarding discrimination or harassment are excluded from this 政策和程序,并应通过学院的反对政策来解决 歧视和/或性骚扰.

A person not directly affected by the action being grieved may not file a grievance.



当一个或多个人提出申诉,而这些申诉实质上是 同样,这些不满也可以合并在一起,作为一个单一的不满来处理.


The supervisor and employee will take every appropriate action in trying to resolve 正式程序启动前的投诉.  员工或主管 may request the Human 资源 administrator to aid in the resolution of the complaint 在申诉被提起之前.

如果讨论未能解决,投诉人可以进入正式的投诉程序 申诉程序,但在任何情况下不得超过给予行动后30天 投诉的起因.


Where the action being grieved was made by a person at 步骤2 and this person is the complainant’s immediate supervisor, 步骤2 of the formal 过程 may be eliminated.

Where the action being grieved was made by a person at 步骤3 and this person is the complainant’s immediate supervisor, 步骤2 and 3 of the formal 过程 may be eliminated.


Extension of the time limits may be made by mutual written agreement of the parties 涉及到.

If the respondent fails to provide a response within the established timelines, the 投诉人可以将其申诉推进到下一步.

If the complainant fails to advance a grievance to the next level within the established 时间表,申诉被视为在前一步解决.


The complainant may file a written grievance in his/her own format or by using a form 由学院规定. 根据申诉的复杂程度和性质, the 大学 may request the complaint to resubmit his/her grievance on a form prescribed 学院. 在这种情况下,投诉人将获给予合理的时间 complete the form and the time limits will be deferred during this period of time. If the complainant does not complete the form as required within a reasonable time, 申诉将被视为已撤销.


The purpose of this policy is to define the 过程 for filing a grievance, who is 本保单承保范围及可申诉事项. 这个政策不是有意的 to create a contract or an obligation of employment of an exempt, at-will employee.


This policy applies to all exempt employees except for the President of the 大学, 以及没有工会代表的机密员工. 这个政策不适用 to academic employees, classified employees who are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, part-time temporary employees, volunteers, students, and the President of the 大学.



For Classified Employees Represented by a Bargaining Agent See the Classified Staff 集体谈判协议


发牢骚的人 – the employee with the concern or complaint; the employee filing the grievance.

覆盖的员工 -按上述定义适用本政策的雇员.


不满 – a formal written complaint 或关注 made in accordance with this policy and procedure.




The complainant shall attempt to informally resolve the concern or complaint at the 最低级别,通常是投诉人的直接主管.


The Human 资源 administrator will be advised of all grievances during the formal 过程.


Regardless of the effectiveness of preliminary action to attempt to resolve the concern or complaint, in order to preserve the complainant’s right to avail him/herself of the grievance procedure, within 30 days of the action giving rise to the grievance, the complainant must present the grievance 以书面形式 to his/her immediate supervisor.  The grievance must state the complaint, the policy or other provision allegedly breached 寻找补救办法.

主管和员工讨论并尝试解决申诉. 在 5 days of receiving the grievance, the supervisor will respond to the complainant 以书面形式.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the response at 步骤1, the complainant shall have 5 days from receipt of the supervisor response, or expiration of the timelines for the supervisor response, whichever is earlier, to forward the grievance to Step 2.


在 the timelines established at 步骤1, the complainant must present a copy of the original grievance and a copy of the 步骤1 response to his/her department/program 管理员,e.g.主任或院长.  投诉人也可以附上额外的 说明为什么第1步的答复不令人满意.

The department/program administrator will meet with the complainant, the respondent, 与其他当事人的申诉,酌情解决申诉. 在 10 days of receiving the grievance, the department/program administrator will respond 以书面形式致投诉人.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the response at 步骤2, the complainant shall have 5 daysfrom receipt of the administrator response, or expiration of the timelines for the administrator response, whichever is earlier,  to forward the grievance to 步骤3.


在 the timelines established at 步骤2, the complainant must present a copy of the original grievance and a copy of the 步骤1 and 步骤2 responses to the Executive 所属司的工作人员(e ..g. 教务,学生服务,学院 服务(或机构效能). 投诉人也可以附上额外的 说明为什么步骤1和步骤2的答复不令人满意.

行政人员将会见投诉人、被投诉人和 其他申诉方,酌情解决申诉. 在10 days of receiving the grievance, the Executive Staff member will respond to the complainant 以书面形式.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the response at 步骤3, the complainant shall have five (5) days from receipt of the executive staff member response, or expiration of the timelines for the executive staff member response, whichever is earlier,  to 将投诉转发到步骤4.


在 the timelines established at 步骤3, the complainant must present a copy of 申诉原件和步骤1、步骤2和步骤3的答复副本; 给学院院长. 投诉人也可以附上其他文件 列出他/她认为在之前的步骤中没有解决的因素. 

The President will, within ten (10) days, schedule a meeting with the complainant 以及他/她认为合适的其他当事人.

在会议结束后的十(10)天内,主席将以书面形式答复 申诉人陈述已达成的决定. 
